- Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take but, by the moments that take our breath away.
“Just over a month into my trip and I wonder how I’ve changed, if at all. Certainly the experiences I’ve had and things I’ve seen have shaped me in someway. Maybe it will not be seen for a number of years. This adventure isn’t about change but it seems to be an inevitability.”
Our work has been featured on several websites and in numerous national and international magazines.
Our work has been featured on several websites and in numerous national and international magazines.
Our work has been featured on several websites and in numerous national and international magazines.
Our work has been featured on several websites and in numerous national and international magazines.
2016 – February
Interview with Creativity Magazine
2015 – September
Winner of Meta Photo Contest
Photo Publication Best Asia Backpacker Magazine, Issue #56
Photo & Text Publication;Best Asia Backpacker Magazine, Issue #56
2015 – July
Honorable mention in Silver Lining Magazine – The luxury travel magazine – Life Photography Contest